Companies that have been scamm with phishing As we mention earlier, phishing is much more common than you might think. Recently, according to a report by Uol’s Tilt website , the Hariespress platform, which serves Brazilian companies such as Americanas, Amazon and Correios, expos more than a billion personal and confidential data of its users. In addition to these companies, in 2020, some private universities in São Paulo were target by hackers, according to a report by the link, Estadão newspaper . Students denounc criminal and malicious attacks on their ucational institutions.
Leaking their personal data
Passwords, contacts, photos, among others which were expos for at least six months on the internet, and could be access by countless people. According to a survey carri out by the digital security company Axur, the Dominica Email List passwords link to emails with the ending “” unfortunately had their information leak in 2021, according to a report by G1 Notícias. In other words, this means that numerous government emails were expos, which does not mean that these incidents happen in government systems, but in private companies that have stor these accounts and whose access was violat by phishing.
What are the means us to steal the data
Phishing crimes occur through the mia and communication resources. See below the main means us by criminals: display; smoky; Phishing on websites; phishing by email; Phishing in social Singapore Lead networks. 1. viking It comes from the abbreviation of “voice phishing”. Yes, criminals use an audio version over the Internet, the purpose of which is to convince potential victims to reveal their personal data so that it can be us in the future to usurp identities. Careful! 2. hurt Also known as SMS (Short Message Service) crime, the user receives an enticing text message on their cell phone with a link to click or download a particular application. By doing this, malware (malicious software: harmful program for systems) is automatically install on the device, the purpose of which is to capture all sensitive information contain on it and send it to the criminal.