A Community Manager , who is the professional who is in charge of implementing the strategy in social networks, creating a community around your potential client. A graphic designer , who is in charge of making the different designs for social networks, respecting the visual identity of the brand and creating striking designs. A video editor , which is responsible for editing and subtitling videos for social networks, from short videos such as reels, tiktoks or shorts, to longer videos or for advertising on social networks. A copywriter , who is in charge of writing the texts both for the descriptions of the publications and for the creatives, in the event that they are text.

A media buyer who is in charge

Creating and optimizing advertising Antarctica Email Lists campaigns on social networks (although he may also do them on Google Ads). As you can see, it is a very complete team that works for a common goal, that objective that the brand has set for itself. But not all companies need all these profiles or can afford them. For this reason, many times the Social Media Manager also performs the functions of the Social Media Strategist and Social Media Analyst, perhaps even the Community Manager, and the Community Manager performs the tasks of graphic designer, copywriter and video editor. You must think carefully about the profiles your company needs and incorporate them as your economy allows. And if you need me to advise you.

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The pillars of Social Media Before starting to implement things on social networks, there are some basic and essential pillars that you must take into account in all marketing on social networks: Strategy . I always say it, without strategy there is no success. And it is that you cannot pretend that just by publishing content, with the number of people who are doing the same, you will have Singapore Lead results. which path you should take to reach your goal in the shortest possible time and without wasting your resources. Engagement . Engagement is the degree of commitment that your community has with your brand. Obviously, the older the better, so you need to take good care of your community, pay attention to them, do good active listening and interact with them. Analysis .

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