Earn money when you are broadcasting
Do you want to earn money with your Instagram account? Here are 8 ways to get it CLICK TO TWEET Whether you work your Instagram account professionally or want to get extra money, here I will tell you 8 options that you have to achieve it. You may also be interest in: 9 ways to monetize your YouTube channel Instagram Shopping: what is it and how to activate it for your brand? Can you sell more thanks to Social Networks? Post Index [ show ] Shopping on Instagram If you sell products or infoproducts, you can configure.
The shopping option on Instagram
To label your products in the images, videos, reels, direct shows and stories so that users can click directly to see the price and more information, and go to the web to buy that product. In addition, a store tab will appear Ecuador Email List on your profile with all the products you have set up on Instagram so that users can navigate between them. Info: Shopping on Instagram . live badges Live badges allow you to a live. Your followers can purchase badges, which will get them featur in the comments and give them access to additional features like wearing a special heart during the live stream.
There is a per-person limit
For payments you receive from followers who have purchas multiple badges in a single stream. Info: Earn money with badges . Bonuses on Instagram Reels This function is currently not available for Spain, but it is available in other countries. Instagram Reels bonuses allow you to earn directly from Instagram if you meet certain requirements. The amount of money you earn from Singapore Lead the bonuses will depend on the performance of the reel, meaning you may earn more money with each replay when you start and less over time. You will be the one who selects the option before sharing your reel , although if you forget, you have 24 hours to activate the option. Info: Bonuses on Instagram.