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Windows to Linux you will feel

Faithfully transporting passengers and goods. “The difference is, if you’re a driver, you’re tired… You’re not strong enough. Not to mention the increasing number of fleets. Income has decreased,” he admitted. Once again he did not get tired of changing Windows to Linux you will feel professions. Again. Learning in Dicoding: A Turning Point Back to the IT World Malang changed professions, last year Bonardo admitted that he had an epiphany. The pace of digitalization is increasingly felt in Bandar Lampung. Aspects of every citizen’s life are increasingly connected to smartphones and the applications in them. As an IT graduate, he feels this is the right time for him to make a comeback! He felt it would be a waste if he didn’t take advantage of this momentum to upgrade himself again . “I remember my role model lecturer when I was in college.

No wonder Ardo decided to turn

Because of him, the world of IT was always interesting to me,” he recalled.  over a new leaf. He surfed the internet to find the right place to study. Until finally meeting Dicoding at the end of last year. August 2019 Bonardo started studying in the Basic whatsapp database Learning Web Programming class . Graduating smoothly from this class, Bonardo was challenged to complete an expert level class, namely Progressive Web Apps. He also managed to graduate again with flying colors! Bonardo admitted that he was increasingly motivated Motivation for Registering a Pre-Employment Card Knowledge from the Web Front-end learning flow in Dicoding is used when applying for jobs.

How can learning as a web developer

Whatsapp Number List

How did he survive?  via the Pre-Employment Card in Dicoding be a bright spot for him? Let’s look at Bonardo’s story. Ups and downs and changing professions Ardo – as he is called, graduated from Information Systems from the Indonesian Technocratic University 15 years ago. Initially freelance Ardo was accepted by PT Innovation Mitra Sejati in Jakarta as Singapore Lead a web developer. At that time, he was very happy because he felt he had found a career “port” that suited his dreams and skills. But fate said otherwise. In his 6th month of work, Ardo was forced to be laid off. The reason is, the company where he works is affected by the pandemic. Unsteadily he packed all his things and returned to his hometown. Starting a new page.

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