What you see is what you get

Greater insights that emerge from this conference cannot be process in such a short time in an understandable way. It is also not easy to get experts in their field to be so brief. But if, as in our example, it is a matter of bringing a complex topic to a broad and inexperienc audience in order to generate attention there, then the Instagram format is just the right thing to pick up the viewer. After all, the individual video on Instagram does not have to be the end of the road, it can also take on the function of a teaser or trailer that leads the viewer to further video content on other platforms.

The teaser on Instagram

Even when we produce videos that aren’t specifically tailor for Instagram, we still use the platform to use behind-the-scenes footage to promote the upcoming video. If the customer uses Instagram and posts Cyprus Phone Number List pictures there that we took during the shooting, he generates a bit of excitement about what is being produc there. These can be photos, out-takes or short video snippets. Existing videos can be promot across platforms in a very similar way. If we have a longer and more in-depth video on YouTube, we can create a short version to pick up Instagram users. There are different ways that a teaser can look like.

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It can be rather mysterious and lure viewers

Into wanting to know what it’s all about. If this form of clickbait is too dubious for you, you can of course also go in the opposite direction and make it very clear in the 15 seconds what you get in the long version. All the examples shown are intend to show two ends of a spectrum in which a great deal can be achiev in terms of video marketing. There are hardly any limits to Singapore Lead the imagination: The peculiarities of Instagram – what do I have to pay attention to? How does the viewer consume videos on Instagram? This is the one question you must always keep in mind during production, as it dictates many aspects of the form and content of the eventual video. Here are the key points to consider: auto play The user is scrolling through their timeline and comes across one of our videos.

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