Often and under pressure

Readers ne regularity, and they demand the same from you. If you us to publish an article every Monday, your readers will be waiting for your article on Sunday. You can’t blog when it suits you in ‘professional’ blogging. In order to take the pressure off (which I strongly recommend) you should prescribe 4-5 articles (also in slow blogging if you like) and publish these articles regularly. This gives you a buffer in case you don’t have any energy reserves. However, I don’t think you should publish more than once a week if you blog alone. Your creativity has a battery, just like your willpower.

If you write and publish too

You can run out of creativity very quickly. And when it comes to writing, there is hardly anything more important. If you run out of creativity, you not only run out of topics and desire, but also your author’s Switzerland Phone Number List voice. And inde: the expectations of the users are enormous. We have long been us to (and spoil by) being suppli with high-quality blog articles on a daily basis. All we have to do is open Fely or check our email subscriptions. The constant question about the user For bloggers, everything revolves around the add value of others: how can I serve the user the best possible content on a silver platter? Of course without self-promotion, annoying registrations or payment requests.

Phone Number List

Everything should be easy to digest

Research according to journalistic standards, stylish, innovative and up-to-date. According to a Statista survey, 72 percent of users expect “exclusive content” and 69 percent “current information” on Facebook alone , while 48 percent are counting on discounts and sweepstakes. Which blogger can and wants to meet these exaggerat expectations in the long run? What does Singapore Lead he get back? a like? A share if he’s lucky? Ulrike Fuchs , naturopath for psychotherapy and blogger , knows what health consequences such self-exploitation can have : Bloggers often put themselves under pressure because they have very high standards, especially for themselves. After all, every author or blogger wants his texts to be read.

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