Whether you visit a website through

I place a special focus on the question of what this means for companies. How is trust creat? The foundation for trust is laid in the parental home. Children trust their parents to take care of them. If this is not the case, on the one hand there is no self-confidence and on the other hand this can even lead to a deep-root distrust of third parties. There are people you spontaneously trust or distrust. Your gut feeling signals you a positive or negative feeling bas on conscious and unconscious perceptions. Your personal experience plays a major role in this. The longer you know someone, the more experience you have with them, and your trust will either be confirm or disappoint.

Abus and thus destroy

You trust people who show up for Macedonia Phone Number List an appointment or an appointment at the agre time ( punctuality ). give you an honest opinion and don’t lie to you ( honesty ). to help you in ne or with problems ( willingness to help ). keep what they promis ( reliability ). treat you with respect ( appreciation ). Confidence in products and services is bas in particular on the fulfillment or compliance with the respective product promise or consumer benefits . We check this through their use or their utilization and evaluate the experience positively or negatively.

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If the verdict is negative

Our confidence in the product in question looks bad at first. The situation is very similar with companies . Here, however, the corporate culture. Which is primarily convey via public relations work, together with its values ​​and principles, is also put to the test. The ADAC and VW have demonstrat very effectively in recent years how trust can be lost in one fell Singapore Lead swoop. More on that below. trust in a website  a search engine, social network, recommendation, or advertisement, you always expect to find something specific . And exactly what you are looking for. Or what you were promis. If this expectation is not fulfill, you feel disappoint. At worst, even deceiv.

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