He button of the social network you want to connect and follow the steps indicat for it. In addition, in the brand you also have other options in addition to the connections: Name and image , to select how you want to see that brand and with what image. Team access , to give other people access as an analyst, itor, or administrator. How to connect your website to Metricool? you must do it from the Connections section of the brand that you have creat. In the case of social networks, it will ask you to identify yourself with the account you want to link to Metricool.
Autolysis where you can create content lists
That are publish one after the other on one or Georgia Email List more social networks. We will see this in the next point. If you want to schule or publish content, you must select Calendar and click on the Create new publication button. There you can select the social network where you want to publish, among those you have connect, the date and time you want it to be publish or if you prefer it to be publish now, you can write the text you want and add images, videos, gifs, stock image or emoticons.
You also have the option
In global settings to create that publication as a draft (in case it has not been approv yet or you want to make some changes) and use the Metricool URL shortener. Depending on the social network you Singapore Lead select, you such as the hashtag or the location icon. In addition, a section also appears at the end of the Configuration of that social network, where you can add labels, in the case of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram; select title, board and link, in the case of Pinterest; or select the title and privacy settings in the case of YouTube.