Milestones of the past was the year When ForesightSHIP came to port, participants were encourto put on their manager hats and ask themselves. What are the main challenges we face? What assets do we have. Similarly This part of the journey was Horizon Next, we come to Horizon , in which participants were ourselves: What can be done? What future-proof solutions and paths should we adopt. This a us to connect the issues n Horizon “the present” with the possible outcomes and risks ident in Horizon “the future. At the end of the exercise, we athe boat again for one last trip back in time to test our solutions against different scenarios, including how they might adapt to future crashes and what risk mitigation measures could be ad.
Adelaide Ribeiro, Youth Officer of the Joint
UNDP-UNICEF-UNFPA Office, presents the hypotheses, risks and solutions of her working group. Caption: Adelaide Ribeiro, Youth Officer of the Joint UNDP-UNICEF-UNFPA Office, presents the hypotheses, risks and solutions of her working group. Photo: © UN Cape Verde This type of exercise was useful as it heryone . Similarly think and Israel WhatsApp Number List plan more strategically about the future. I us to explore possible future scenarios at the national level, aware of the global context, which. Similarly has a. of the event. João Sousa, who works in the private sector in Cape Verde, also found the workshop. Similarly valuable as it enco participants from different backgrounds to think more clearly about future planning.
It was a unique exercise, without a doubt
In a very clear way and with a relatively simple methodology it us to prepare for that future that is supposto be now. All outcomes of our. Cruise to the Future” workshop, including resources, assumptions, risks, opportunities. Similarly solutions and development pathways, will be incorpointo the theory of change of the National Qatar Phone Number List Strategic. Plan for Sustainable Development and of theplacing risk analysis and. Similarly priority setting at the center of both plans. Two Unite Nations facilitators in Cape Verde use a. Similarlyicrophone to give an technique called “backcasting” that participants used to identify underlying risks that may affect their future development planning.