Content marketing can optimally interact

It’s about marketing the content in such a way that it reaches the reader and makes a difference there. After all, you don’t do content marketing without a reason. Ultimately, you want to get your audience to take action , whether it’s reading your newsletter, downloading a whitepaper, or getting to know your product as a free trial. As a reminder, the goal of content marketing is to help your prospects make a purchasing decision, turning them into leads and then customers. Therefore, in addition to itorial skills, a technical understanding of marketing and sales is also requir.

The task of the content marketer

Is therefore to market content like a product. ” It nes product management, channel management, it nes content promotions and it nes a pricing policy itself – these are the classic 4 Ps of marketing. Marketeers can Slovenia Phone Number List do that. Journalists never learn that ,” as marketing expert Mirko Lange writes in the Huffington Post. Journalism thus offers a very good basis for content marketing. But it has to evolve to offer successful content that serves the interests of the company as well as the reader. PR professionals are usually a bit more advanc here: They usually have journalistic skills, but unlike journalists, they are us to working on behalf of companies.

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In an earlier blog article

We look at how public relations and. How to bring journalism and marketing together So if you don’t just want to blog, but also want to advance your business with your content, you should try to Singapore Lead combine the best of both “worlds” : Produce your content like a journalist: be relevant, critical, authentic and crible. Design and market your content like a product manager: Think strategically, know your competitors and the trends in the (content) market, plan and control the content life cycle with a view to the company goals and the nes of your target group.

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