You must always keep in mind

But if you don’t have in mind that you want to prepare this video for Instagram later, you have to decide on a very narrow section of your video material that you can squeeze into this format. However, if you are already clear about the format in which you want to post it later during the production of the video, you can either record it in portrait format right away or, when filming in landscape format, remember that everything has to take place in a third of the total width of the picture . Formats & resolutions for Instagram 1:1 1080×1080 (square) 8:10 1080×1350 (Portrait) 16:9 1920×1080 (landscape) Size If you work with text in the video.

Regardless of whether the text

Is film or seen as an overlay –  that this video will one day be view on a small smartphone display. If you cut your videos on the computer, you can tell the correct text size for mobile displays by the fact that Dominican Republic Phone Number List they appear absurdly large on the computer screen. The usual lower thirds you might have us for YouTube videos at a time when videos were primarily view on screen are almost impossible to decipher on mobile displays. Thumbnails When you visit your Instagram page, you no longer see the content in a timeline, but in a grid of small squares into which your photos and videos are sort.

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Of course the videos do not start

Automatically here, but are display as a square still image. This still image always shows the very first frame of your video. So that means: If you visit your Instagram presence and look at your collect Singapore Lead works in the grid view, then the preview image of the videos – i.e. the first frame of the video – should be as meaningful as possible. Sometimes he does it all by himself. However, if your video starts with a fade-in or with text that only appears after a few seconds, then this first frame – i.e. your preview image – does not look good. The solution to this is actually quite banal: You insert your desir preview image as the first frame in the video.

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