I reiterate my call to conclude a New Social

Contract within countries, so that all people have future prospects and enjoy protection. Education and digital technology must be the two great factors of facilitation and equality. It will be essential to introduce reforms in labor markets and crack down on corruption, tax havens, money laundering and illicit financial flows. Societies must transform the world of care. Official development assistance remains a lifeline. It is time to right the wrongs of the past and combat the systemic injustices of our time. Fulfilling our promise to leave no one behind is possible. We must achieve it. From the unit. Our fifth priority must be to reverse the assault on human rights. Long before the pandemic, human rights were already under increasing pressure. The rule of law was endangered by the fragility of judicial systems.

Repressive political systems threatened

Fundamental freedoms. Accountability for the commission of heinous crimes was rarely held. Women, girls, minorities and LGBTI people faced chronic discrimination and violence. In fact, measures such as my Human Rights Call to Action, the Action Plan to Combat Hate Speech and the Initiative to Safeguard Religious Sites were launched I reiterate my before UK Phone Number List COVID- Today, the pandemic has unleashed its own human rights crisis. Hate speech has multiplied. Several States have used lockdowns to limit civic space and the work of journalists and those who defend human rights. And the disease is having a disproportionate impact on minorities, people with disabilities, and those experiencing marginalization. I celebrate the new momentum that the global fight for racial justice has currently gained.

Phone Number List

Racial inequality continues to permeate

Structures, and everyday life. It is our duty to stand up against the rise of neo-Nazism and white supremacy. The United I reiterate my Nations will never deviate from its commitment to fight racism and discrimination. There is no place for racism in our Organization, and we will continue working to eradicate it. Fully promoting and Cambodia Phone Number List protecting all human rights is possible. We must achieve it. From the unit. Our sixth priority is perhaps the biggest human rights challenge facing the world gender equality. COVID-care for others and sustain communities. However, women are the ones who have been most affected by the loss of employment and are most driven to poverty.

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