sending a clear signal to investors, markets and finance ministers.

However, we must advance even further. We need all governments to translate those promises into time-bound policies, plans and targets. This will provide certainty and confidence to companies and the financial sector so that they invest sending a clear in favor of that objective. It’s time: To put a price on carbon.  To stop building new coal-fired power plants and financing that energy at home and abroad.

To shift the tax burden from income to

Carbon, and from taxpayers to polluters. To integrate the objective of carbon neutrality in all economic and fiscal policies and decisions. And to make the disclosure of climate-related financial risks mandatory. Financial sending a clear resources Mexico Phone Number List should be allocated to the green economy, resilience, adaptation and just transition programmes. We must align all public and private financial flows with the.

Phone Number List

Paris Agreement and the Sustainable

Development Goals. Multilateral, regional and national development institutions and private banks must commit to aligning their lending with the global goal of net-zero emissions. I urge all asset owners and managers to decarbonize their Russia Phone Number List portfolios and join major initiatives and partnerships launched by the United Nations, such as the Global Investor Alliance for Sustainable Development and the Net-Zero Asset Owners Alliance today with $ billion dollars in assets. Companies must adapt their business models, and investors must demand information from companies about the resilience of those models.

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