Providing quality education in Small Island Developing States

With million boys and girls around the world having lost half of their in-person instruction in the last two years and some million having never returned to school, humanity is experiencing a profound learning crisis. There is no substitute for a good. Education. As the challenges of our time continue to increase, it is impossible to imagine a future of prosperity and peace on a healthy planet without a functional, forward-thinking and high. Performing education system. Recognizing the importance of investing in human capital to help overcome the impact of recent crises and restore growth and development, world leaders have gathered this week at the Transforming Education Summit , TES, in English), during the th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The Summit, convened by United Nations

Secretary-General António Guterres, aims to mobilize political ambition, joint action and solutions for a quality, forward-looking and adequately funded education system. In preparation for the Transforming Education Summit UN. Similarly country teams. Including our UN Multi-Country Office (MCO), covering the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tokelau New Zealand WhatsApp Number List have supported governments in holding national consultations on the urgent need to reimagine education systems and find long-term solutions to the global learning crisis. Convened in partnerships with civil society, academia and the private sector, these consultations discussed ways to transform education systems to ensure that younger generations have the knowledge and skills needed to respond to current and future crises.

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adults and boys and girls under a tree in an

Event related to education Caption: The United Nations Resident Coordinator in the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tokelau, Simona Marinescu. Has led joint United Nations efforts to improve learning outcomes and promote lifelong learning. Similarly opportunities throughout the region. Photo: © Resident Coordinator Simona Marinescu According to our Multidimension Vulnerability Index . Similarly which I helped develop last year with other Resident India Phone Number List Coordinators from across the region, Small Island Developing States such as Samoa. Are especially vulnerable to effects of global shocks. Similarly and crises, including the COVID. Pandemic and the war in Ukraine. increases in energy and food prices have had a significant impact on Samoa and other SIDS. Placing them in a highly indebted position and deepening their need for development-based support.

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