Photo Julieth Mendez Government of Costa

And for children and adolescents, ensuring educational continuity, reducing the digital divide, socio-emotional care and psychosocial of educational communities, as well0. As comprehensive sexual education. . Discrimination, racism and xenophobia, the development and delivery. Of quality content for students. And teachers, social cohesion, the training of in-service teachers. And technical assistance. for the development of responses. To the emergency in the closure/reopening of educational centers. Acurriculums, educational materials, platforms, infrastructure, biosafety, educational financing, etc.

And even access to education for populations

In situations of mobility whose numbers They increased in the face of the economic crisis in the region. The Deputy Secretary General, Amina J. Mohammed, standing with a group of students and holding the hand of one of them in the library of the Colegio de Señoritas de Costa Rica. Caption: Deputy Secretary General Amina J. Mohammed UK Telegram Number Data visited the Colegio de Señoritas in Costa Rica to promote gender equality and the fulfillment of girls’ rights. Photo: © Office of the Resident Coordinator in Costa Rica Regain confidence in the educational system COVID- took place precisely at a time of debate about development models and social policies, and the effectiveness and efficiency of their budgets and implementation.

Telegram Number Data

In this context, the World Summit on

Transforming Education is an opportunity to continue these debates that will contribute to recovering and mobilizing trust and. Credibility in the educational system, generating multi-stakeholder civic. spaces for the construction. And strengthening of social and political commitments that place education at the center of recovery and. Development Canada Telegram Number Data strategies.. Requires the participation and and the world assume the commitment. And make decisions now towards a education focused on inclusion, quality, rights in which no boy, girl, adolescent and young person is left behind or left out.

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