Home » Timor-Leste For the five reasons above,

Timor-Leste For the five reasons above,


I believe that although our efforts are still “work in progress” and much remains to be done, Timor Leste is now in a stronger position to overcome its development challenges and rescue the Sustainable Development Goals than I was in the midst of the uncertainty of This progress now needs to be supported with resources and continued implementation. Italian philosopher Voltaire is credited with the quote “Let not the perfect be the enemy of the good.” As I prepare to conclude my term as Resident Coordinator in Timor-Leste, it seems like a reasonable metaphor for the country’s development progress between and UN entities jointly support Indonesia in sustainable ocean development
Indonesia and the ocean are the same – no matter where you are, the ocean is never far away.

LIves in coastal areas and a healthy and protected

Cean is key to the country’s development and prosperity. But with declining fish stocks and tons of plastic floating in what were once pristine waters, Indonesia – like the rest of the world – has a problem the size of an ocean. I saw this first-hand in a fishing village in the northeast of the country, where poverty is increasing due to increasingly Netherlands WhatsApp Number List smaller catches as a result of industrial overfishing. In the nearby seas. The fishermen I knew can no longer make a living from the only job they know. What they also know is. That we cannot extract more from the ocean than we need; In fact, we have to extract. Less to restore their health, and what we extract we have to do so sustainably.

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In the face of this emergency and taking advantage of

Indonesia’s initiative to include the ocean on the G agenda under its presidency, I advocated to the Government for a new national alliance to. Pool resources and knowledge, coordinate and increase joint impact towards a common goal in support of the SDG (life below water). I mobilized international development partners, bringing together UAE Phone Number List the private sector (including through the Global Compact) and. UN entities, to come together and support Indonesia on this Coordinator’s Office, in particular the technical knowledge of the economist. Who has been instrumental in drafting the first version of the Action Plan around the four pillars of Blue Health, Blue food, Blue Innovations and

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