In the case of solo entrepreneurs

These certainly play a part in the overall situation, but the decisive factors are your inner attitude, your understanding of values ​​and your vision . What do you want to achieve with your actions? Are there any defining turning points in your life that have chang the way you look at certain things? What was the path that brought you to your current job? Thinking about it and being aware of it not only helps you to regain courage during low points and difficult phases, but is also important for your desir customers. It shows them depth, your uniqueness and distinctiveness . And it is an important building block that helps them to decide.

I want to know more about you

No, you don’t suit me. The focus is usually on the entrepreneur himself, in larger companies the corporate personality ( corporate identity ). Your why and your understanding of values ​​are also an important Norway Phone Number List basis for your personal branding or brand building . 3. Your ideal customer – do you know your ideal customer well enough? If your website is to attract desir customers, knowing about them is the be-all and end-all. Because your ideal customer should feel address, and of course you have to know who you want to address! It’s not just about demographic characteristics such as age, gender and place of residence.

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It is also and above all about emotional

Aspects such as understanding of values, character traits and life situation . About the worries, problems and wishes of your ideal customer. What occupies him every day? What keeps him from sleeping at night? Where could he urgently ne Singapore Lead your help? What can you do to make him happy and bring him relief? So develop a desir customer profile and align your entire communication with it – on the website and everywhere. It helps if you can describe and “visualize” your desir customer as precisely as possible. It is up to you how deep you go and whether you want to define the names of the two dogs of your desir customer or not.

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