Assembly designated June as such, after Secretary-general

António Guterres raised alarm about the “tsunami of hate and xenophobia, scapegoating, stigmatization and the use of derogatory, misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic or antisemitic language”, that has engulfed the world. We all witness how powerful the ‘tool’ of hate speech can be to incite discrimination, violence, deepen Assembly designated division and undermine social cohesion within or between societies. Hate speech usually is an expression of denial. Denial of respect, inclusion, or diversity. It goes against the very essence of human rights. If left unchecked, it can fuel tensions and social unrest, and even start violent conflicts which can lead to grave human rights violations. It is particularly the case when hate speech is instrumentalized by influential people in our societies.

Political and religious leaders play a key role in

Mitigating hate in society, especially among their own constituencies. Leaders who embrace inclusion give space to all, who truly respect diversity and value differences of opinion will see their societies thrive. But we all have a responsibility to refrain from hate to express oneself. It starts with me and you. We must individually and collectively Singapore WhatsApp Number List speak out against hate. Online media – a megaphone for hate speech or free expression? The spread of hatred is sadly nothing new, here in Montenegro or elsewhere. The scale and impact nowadays, especially with social media providing a global platform for spreading hate. Similarly is growing larger and faster than ever. Online hate speech is produced and distributed easily, at low cost, often anonymously, reaching global audiences in real-time.

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This phenomenon is exposing the fragility

Of democracies worldwide. It has prompted calls for accountability of these platforms, for moderation and removal of offensive online content. This has raised debate about the boundaries between freedom of expression and censorship. But countering hate speech does not mean arbitrarily limiting freedom of expression. It means preventing hatred from escalating into something dangerous, particularly incitement to discrimination, hostility, and Indonesia Phone Number List violence, which – as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights says – shall be prohibited in law. The United Nations calls for more speech – not less. Freedom of expression is the of the rights and dignity of all, women, men, children, persons with disabilities, elderly, ethnic, religious and sexual minorities, among others. I welcome that Montenegro has taken legal action in cases of incitement to discrimination and violence.


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