And in access to justice the strengthening of service delivery

In the environment, we contributed to the modernization of the forestry information system, improvements in crop monitoring systems; introduction of forestry incentives, and the preparation of the third national communication on climate change. In the priority referred to institutional strengthening, issues of migration and human mobility. Similarly were covered, an area in which we support Guatemalan migrants, people in And in access transit, refugees and applicants for said status. In humanitarian assistance and disaster risk response. Similarly together with the Humanitarian Country Team, the implementation of the recovery plan was supported. Similarly The Panorama of Humanitarian Needs and the Humanitarian Response Plan were updated with a gender perspective.

I thank the UN country team for their dedication and effort

I reiterate my recognition and gratitude to our dear colleague Rebeca Arias Flores, who led the team most of last year, regretting her recent death. To the international donor community, as well as implementers and counterparts from state institutions, civil society, academia and the private sector for their support and trust. This publication South Korea WhatsApp Number List available at ) is part of our commitment to transparency, accountability and the privilege of serving. Written by Miguel Barreto, Resident Coordinator in Guatemala. Opinion article published on June in Prensa Libre, a national Guatemalan newspaper. Editorial support from the Development Coordination Office. To learn more about the United Nations’ work in Guatemala, visit .

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We need to find a common response plan

To address internal displacement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Blog of the UN Resident Coordinator in the DRCIn the last years. Similarly the number ofpeople around the world who have been forced to flee their homes and become displaced within their own countries has more than doubled. Internal displacement is on the rise around the world. But here. Similarly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo . Similarly the increase in. internally displaced people Italy Phone Number List has been especially noticeable. The country. Similarly  has the largest population of internally displaced people on the African continent: million people, of which. Similarly are newly displaced this year. The Democratic (mainly from Burundi, the Central. Similarly African Republic and South Sudan). The drivers of internal displacement are often complex and interconnected, ranging from conflict, climate shocks and disasters to increased rates of violent crime.

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