That is why, when asked why it has become so difficult
America or why it continues to be the most unequal region on the planet , it is inevitable to always refer to this educational tragedy : if almost half of the The young people of those years did not go to school in those years, that means that, today, half of  national income diminish and they see how their possibilities for improvement fade. Quality and equity: the two great educational debts of the st century Educational investment in Latin America began to recover, slowly, in the first decades of this century. The share of educational spending in GDP and spending per student improved, although they were still below the levels reached before the crisis.

As a result, the net secondary coverage rate
Has increased in most Latin American countries, as has the secondary education completion rate and higher education coverage rate. that of equity and that of quality . On the one hand, and despite the increase in coverage, it remains true that educational opportunities in Latin America are very unequally distributed : rural families, lower-income families, families with a lower educational level and vulnerable populations – indigenous peoples. in particular – continue to have much reduced and difficult access to educational opportunities.

On the other hand, even in the case of those
Who do have access to the educational system, the truth is that achievements in effective learning are insufficient , as revealed in regional tests – such as those of the LLECE – and in international tests – such as PISA -. Here we see that the learning  Furthermore, the results reflect the enormous internal inequality of our countries, with students with a lower socioeconomic level showing much more modest learning than those with a higher income level (although it is important to mention that not even the students with the highest socioeconomic level on the continent reach levels comparable with those of more educationally advanced countries.

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