Being an agile, adaptive and demand-driven fund, allowing it to provide desperately needed financing mechanisms even in high-risk environments like Sudan. Since the coup d’état, the Peacebuilding Fund’s project portfolio has grown to encompass twelve states, demonstrating that when crises hit, its commitment does not wane, but is strengthened. Along with other projects – including its flagship program working to strengthen the rule of law and support local peacebuilding in the five states of Darfur – the Peacebuilding Fund added six new projects to the portfolio in , and another four are already in preparation.
United Nations peacekeepers speaking to a
Group of project beneficiaries in East Darfur Caption: United Nations peacekeepers meet beneficiaries of the Community Resolution Mechanisms and Peacebuilding Committees project in Al Fado, Assalaya town, East Darfur. Photo: © Sudan Peacebuilding Fund Secretariat These projects in the pipeline include a new initiative in the disputed Abyei territory and a $ million investment in Eastern Sudan, which take an area-based approach to UK WhatsApp Number List stabilize conflict-affected communities and improve their resilience to future crises. Based on an assessment of conflict hotspots and the main drivers of conflict in each area, the projects draw on the experience of four UN entities – UNICEF, UNDP, IOM and FAO – to help restore access to basic services, including water and sanitation, implement livelihood support and job creation plans, and strengthen conflict resolution and natural resource management bodies at the community level.
So how do you navigate the complex political
Landscape to ensure aid reaches those who need it most? Part of the answer lies in the community-based approach of the Peacebuilding Fund, which empowers local communities, promotes inclusive participation and strengthens the capacities of local governance and other community structures. Furthermore, this approach helps to Cambodia Phone Number List improve relationships between different actors; encourages local ownership; directs fundingsociety organizations; and foregrounds women and youth as agents of peaceful change and inclusive development. FAO staff present migration routes and conflict danger zones to a group of people in the village of Yassin, East Darfur.