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If allowed to spread like wildfire in the Global

South, the virus will inevitably tend to mutate and become more contagious, more deadly and, ultimately, more resistant to vaccines, ready to strike again. to the Global North. Furthermore, recent studies have revealed that vaccine hoarding could cost the global economy up to $ trillion, an impact of which almost half would impact the richest countries. That figure represents times more than the $ billion funding gap affecting the ACT Accelerator. There is only one winner in a world where some have vaccines and others do not: the virus itself. Today I call for six concrete measures to be taken: Prioritize healthcare workers and those most at risk. Protect health systems to prevent their collapse in the poorest countries. Ensure sufficient supply and fair distribution, including by having manufacturers prioritize supply to the COVAX mechanism. Deliver surplus doses to the COVAX mechanism.

Expand the availability of licenses to intensify

Manufacturing. Promote confidence in the vaccine. Our “Verified” initiative is fighting the “infodemic.” But in a pandemic there is no panacea. We must continue to take the measures that scienceLet’s use a mask. Let’s maintain physical distancing. Let’s wash our hands. Defeating COVID- is possible. We must achieve it. From the unit. Second, the world will not be able to cure itself of the virus if economies remain Malaysia Phone Number List in intensive care. It is time to begin an inclusive and sustainable recovery. We need to invest massively in health systems everywhere. On issues such as universal health coverage. Mental health care. Social protection. Decent work. And boys and girls must return to school safely. Developing countries have been robbed of remittances, tourism revenues and income from commodities. The richest countries are implementing recovery and stimulus plans worth trillions of dollars.

Phone Number List

However, the poorest countries have only

Been able to spend around % of their gross domestic product. Recovery must be inclusive. No country should be forced to choose between providing basic services and servicing its debt. The high-level events I convened last year with the Prime. Ministers of Canada and Jamaica highlighted the urgent need for a quantum leap in financial support. That includes: An expansion of the G Debt Service Suspension Initiative. Debt.  Relief for all developing Qatar Phone Number List and middle-income countries that need it. Increased resources for multilateral financial institutions and a. New allocation of special drawing rights for the benefit of developing countries. A voluntary reallocation of unused special drawing rights. Liquidity is crucial to prevent debt defaults. The recovery must also be sustainable, incorporating the use of renewable energy and green, resilient infrastructure. Otherwise, we will be trapped in harmful practices for decades. The Agenda shows the way.

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