It is also completely mandatory to have a data system adapt to the LOPD or Organic Law on Data Protection . How the calls are sav, where and for what purpose the calls are record are some of the adaptations of this law that you will ne to be able to carry out this action. What are the advantages of recording calls in a call center ? Once the previous point is solv, you will only have good news regarding the recording of calls. This data is very valuable and can be us for countless things in almost any company. Improve quality: the most notable advantage you will get will be the improvement in the quality of the services you offer. You will have a recording of each call with different agents, which will allow you to evaluate.
Find errors or even use
AI programs to break down each Morocco Email List word and tone of the client. Training: when you have to train new agents you will have hours and hours of conversations, questions, answers and witty outings from your agents. Everything will be easier when it comes to testing new workers. New doors: implementing call recording in your call center can open many doors for you. This system is mandatory to be able to sign documents over the phone or hire certain services. You can open new business avenues. Recording calls in a call center is, in 2022, one of the things that you should consider.
It is easy cheap and its advantages
Are count by dozens. Functions of a Virtual PBX (Virtual PBX) Sep 7, 2022 | Call centers | 0 Comments Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds and what was normal a few years ago can now be completely out of date . and how technology and the Internet have revolutioniz the way of working in call centers . If until now you reli on physical switchboards, you may change your Singapore Lead mind thanks to the virtual switchboard or PBX. Call centers with thousands of euros of investment, expensive equipment and high maintenance costs are the past. Everything has improv thanks to software , it has become simpler and substantially cheaper. What is a virtual switchboard or PBX? The virtual switchboard or PBX takes everything physical out of the equation.