That Guarantees the Happiness of

Who doesn’t have a pet they love so much? Who didn’t have a pet that they lov and that they now remember with nostalgia and great affection? Well, to tell the truth, until you have lov an animal, a part of your soul will still be asleep.In general, we can say that communication is effective if it achieves the purposes it sets out to achieve . Stoner (1996, p. 375) says that this effectiveness depends on the encoding, decoding and the noise generat in the process.

Simply Require an

While Robbins (1996) does not speak of effectiveness but of fidelity to refer to the same thing, and points out that within the source there are four factors capable of increasing fidelity, namely: Communication skills There are five skills business email list mention, two of them are speaking and writing (coding); The other two are reading and listening (decoders) and the fifth, which is crucial, is reflection or thinking. The actitudes Differentiating those they have towards themselves, those referring to the topic or issue to be discuss and the attitudes towards the recipient.

Ironclad Trust in God

The level of preparation It is a very important element to achieve effective communication. Obviously, the level of knowlge that the source has regarding the topic will positively or negatively affect the receptivity of their message . You cannot communicate effectively about a topic about which Singapore Lead you know nothing or are not familiar, or about a topic about which you know too much without using the communication skills necessary to make it understood. The socio-cultural system People belonging to different social classes do not communicate in the same way, much less if they belong to different cultures.

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