Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures movements in the placement of content on the screen. It must be less than or equal to 0.1. Now, how can we measure if our website meets these parameters? Keep reading… 2 tools to measure the spe of a website To measure. How to compress the spe and user experience […]
Now imagine what an extra second in loading time would mean for your own business… It affects recurring traffic: a quarter of users who visit a page from a computer Essential Addons do not return to a slow website and in the mobile version, the figure rises to more than 45%. The 5 elements that […]
It is important that you also know that it is not good to BE OBSESS with the spe of a web page . There are people who don’t sleep at night thinking about. How to scratch a thousandth of a second in the loading of their website to achieve scores of 100 in Page Spe […]
 The right influencers to collaborate with is crucial for successful social media marketing campaigns. This section discusses strategies for Intranet as an identifying and reaching out to influencers on social media. It covers topics such as influencer research tools, evaluating influencer authenticity, and establishing mutually beneficial partnerships.Social Media Marketing for Travel and Hospitality Business The […]
     View our best qulity blog Close sales by doing on our website. For any business logo. Design is one of your most prized possessions  Close sales by doing since it creates your brand identity, recognition, and recall. In terms of marketing, logos are the most commonly used commodities on almost all mediums. Be […]
  Planning is part of the routine Differences between of any healthy business. Therefore, As it helps make relevant decisions both in its initial stages and to ensure its continuity later. In addition, it offers great benefits. Meet them below! 1. More organized task execution By planning excellent activities. You will be able to organize […]
    A website builder is a tool that, as its What is Google AI chat name suggests. Therefore, Allows you to build websites, especially if you are not a programming specialist. If you work in the digital market. Or are taking the first steps, you must have already. Realized that having a good website […]
As part of our digital marketing common mistakes webinar series. We had the pleasure of hosting Simms, Head of Customer Success and Strategic Partnerships at Promo Republic, a social media marketing company that helps brands connect with their local environment and effectively manage your social media content strategies at scale. The webinar, Common Social Media […]
This latest WSI webinar was presented by Angelina Miller. Agency Development Manager at Google. She has worked at Google for 5 years PPC optimization and has Webinar Summary over 9 years of experience in digital marketing. Angelina has worked with Fortune 500 companies and is currently pursuing her second master’s degree in which she focuses […]
The key is to define your organization’s  objectives and compare  internal them to the strengths and weaknesses of your own team. Now, I realize that honestly assessing your own limitations may not be pleasant for some. It is a vital exercise internal resources in determining whether your marketing initiatives should remain in-house or require the […]

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