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The impact of this enhanced synergy was evident and was


NGO partners when they visited the site with me later that year. Thanks to these joint efforts and coordination, the Fagnavotse program has laid the foundations for a social protection system that responds to the needs of the most vulnerable in Madagascar. The program achieved positive results by establishing a broader and more integrated social protection system, beyond cash transfers. I therefore urge that the program be continued and expanded at the regional or national level, especially in the southern and southeastern regions of Madagascar, which are especially vulnerable to natural hazards, mainly cyclones and droughts.

Lianarahe, a beneficiary from

Anjamahavelo in southern Madagascar, also hopes that the Fagnavotse program will continue because, for the first time in her life, this mother of seven children – all of whom are in school – is debt-free. “Before, we always had difficulties coping with everyday life, and it was rare that we could afford lunch at noon. Today I have managedto save Kuwait WhatsApp Number List money. I have never been able to save to this level.”Climate changeis the biggest threat Iraq has ever  faced, but there is hope to turn things aroundWhen I traveled to Baghdad a month ago to assume my duties in Iraq and help coordinate our support to the Government and people in need, the Land of Two Rivers was totally different from what I had seen two decades ago, when I first worked in Iraq. Dust, blown by hot winds, filled the air.

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Strips of arid land dotted with resilient

Palm trees that patiently struggled to withstand the elements of nature. This is not the Mesopotamia that history books describe, the land of civilizations. When I asked Iraqis and other people who have been here for many years, they told me that it had never been like this before. It is clear that climate change has taken its toll on this country. Throughout Africa Phone Number List my profession, I have been to many countries and have seen many problems. But the effects of climate change here are dramatic. This beautiful, fertile land, known throughout history I would have liked to be more positive in my first speech to the Iraqi public. But the reality is difficult to hide. I must say that all is not lost. There is hope to change things, and it is the Iraqis who must take the initiative.

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