You should analyze your blog periodically. In addition, this will also help you detect which are the contents that, with an improvement, have the potential to climb positions and position themselves better. Those are the ones you should update. It will also tell you what content your community likes the most to focus your strategy on them. What sections should your blog editorial calendar have? An editorial calendar for a blog should have the following sections: Publication date . Editor , in the event that you have several or that you accept guest posts. Content Category.
Objective of the article
Which can be traffic generation, affiliation Canada WhatsApp Number List branding, authority, sale, lead generation (it can go with a downloadable resource so that they subscribe to your newsletter) or linke. Title of the article , already thinking about the positioning. Keyword to position . Call to action that will be made at the end of the post and that has to be in line with the objective of the article. Link to the written content , to always have it at hand to review or publish it. Specifications , to add anything you consider necessary. State in which it is locatd, to know if it is pending writing, writing, written, revise, schedule or publishd.
If you want to make it even
You can add a section to detail the content index (to know what you have to develop in that content. So that the keyword you have chosen is positione and is useful for users) and another section for the link . Can include Singapore Lead in that article and encourage them to read more content. In addition, I also like to have a list of content ideas in the same document, but in a separate tab, just like in the editorial calendar for social networks. This way you always have content on hand to schedule in your calendar or keywords to analyze and see what content is interesting for your blog. Tools you can use to create your blog editorial calendar There are many different tools that you can use to create your blog editorial calendar. I am going to recommend some that I have worke with and that I think are simple.