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Wealthy countries and International Financial Institutions must

Help finance the physical infrastructure and human capital to advance the Sustainable Development Goals in small island developing States and strengthen the resilience of these economies. Small Island Developing States (formally as Small Island Developing States, SIDS) are a distinct group. Similarly of small, remote, poorly. Similarly divd and highly . Caribbean Sea, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the. Similarly South. Similarly China Sea. In August , in a letter to the Alliance of Small Island Developing States (AOSIS), the Secretary-General of thations c developing a multidimensional. Similarly vulnerability index for Small Island Developing States to better define the special case for development that these small nations represent and expand their access to resources such as concessional financing.

In December , the UN General

Assembly a a resolution tasking tNations with carrying out technical work to develop an index and propose options for its use. Due Wealthy countries and International Financial Institutions must to aggravvulnerabilities, SIDS have lower long-term development potential. Video available in English, with autsubtitles. A higher. Similarly degree of structural vulnerability, which is  South Korea Phone Number List by the multidimensional vulnerability index ( Multidimensional Vulnerability Index , in English), in its pilot version. Similarly of thNations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, is assoc with a lower score on the index relating to compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDG Index score, in English), a tool deby the Network to measure the progress of countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Being structurally vulnerable is associated

With lower performance with respect to Similarly Islands.Tokelau and Tuvalu would face a uncertain future. Pacific islands are especially Wealthy countrie vulnerable UAE Phone Number List to external economic and financial shocks, as well as. Similarly the impact of climate change and natural hazards. When COVID- hit, Small Island Developing. Similarly States that rely heavily on the tourism sector and remittance flows . Similarly  severe economic downturns and job losses. Fiji, Guam and Vanuatu suffe annual GDP declines in of per cent, per cent and per cent respectivelto per cent for the European Union and per cent. percent of thStates.

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