Through a volunteer organization called

She began doing medical checkups on pregnant women in emergency shelters. She also coordinated with a local hospital to arrange free access to ultrasound services. Gender-sensitive interventions, such as those carried out by Restu, are vital to rebuilding sustainably after a disaster, but can be inhibited by unequal gender dynamics within volunteering. For example, men are more likely to engage in formal volunteering, while women are more likely to engage in informal volunteering, which tends to have lower status, attract less recognition, and receive less practical support than formal volunteering.

The State of the World’s Volunteering report

Advises policymakers to adopt gender-sensitive measures that can optimize women’s participation, for example by ensuring their access to decision-making processes. A man and woman wearing masks, positioned among more people, hold first aid equipment. Caption: Twi Adi coordinates relief supplies following the eruption of Mount Semeru Belgium WhatsApp Number List in East Java, Indonesia, in December Photo: © Courtesy of Twi Adi In Indonesia, Gotong Royong is an ancient philosophy and its spirit dates back generations. But since the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs has formalized volunteering in the country by creating the so-called “Taruna Siaga Bencana”, or TAGANA [a term that designates trained volunteer social workers or community-based social workers who participate in active and supportive in relief efforts after a.

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At the end of there were more than

Indonesia, with another , “TAGANA friends” in professions such as journalism, arts and civil society. In , the UN partnered with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to develop online training modules for TAGANA, including a competency-based capacity development framework that emphasizes inclusion gender in Sweden Phone Number List humanitarian assistance. Twi Adi, a -year-old volunteer from Malang, East Java, has been a TAGANA since He has participated in various emergency response activities, including following the eruption of Mount Semeru in December The Ministry of Social Affairs provides TAGANA with a small monetary compensation. “I love helping others and making a difference at the community level,” he says, “I’m not rich, but I can give my time and energy to my community.

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