Small island economies, most of which are high

And middle-income countries, are considered too rich to have access to development finance, despite the fact that they are suffering from repeated and devastating environmental catastrophes, and several simultaneous shocks are under way. paralyzing. Theirl Institutions could review the eligibility criteria for access to development. Coordination, taking into account the specific needs of countries, in addition to the gross national income per capita. In order to provide assistance to small island developing States, it is essential that structural. Vulnerabilities be recognized when allocating concessional funds.

The development of the Multidimensional

Vulnerability Index requested by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, as well as the establishment of a High-Level. Expert Group to finalize the index by , represent key steps towards this end. Innovative financing solutions. Such as Sustainable Development Goals bonds, could also play an important role in supporting SDG-related Canada WhatsApp Number List investments in small island developing States. That said, according to the existing rating systems. The majority of these States are not creditworthy and. Therefore, cannot access these financial instruments unless the International Financial Institutions support them to untie the bonds and obtain debt in the capital markets.

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Capitals. The International Monetary

Fund’s Special Drawing Rights —constitute an international reserve asset created to complement the official reserves of its member countries—could be used to. O)btain additional financing mechanisms to support the development. Debt Belgium Phone Number List swaps, such as debt for development, debt for climate or debt for environment. Are state-conditioned tools that could be used by small island developing states to restructure their growing debt and free up. Resources for development and progress. of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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