Africa: Building a better future cannot succeed without gender equality

With less than a decade left to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on gender equality and women’s empowerment , the commitment has yet to be  into action on the ground. Given its broad impact, this goal is widely Africa: Building a  as a sustainable solution to address Africa’s greatest challenges and is also  an. Similarly integral part of achieving. Similarly each of the SDGs and the aspirations of Africa’s Agenda .

In recent decades, the African Member

States have made significant progress in the social, economic and political outcomes of their countries. For example, fewer women are dying.  during childbirth and millions of. Similarly women have been lifted out of extreme poverty. In the Africa: Building a political Greece Phone Number List sphere, substantial efforts have been made to. Similarly increase women’s participation and representation in decision-making.Recent data from the United Nations Economic. Commission for Africa ( UNECA ) on progress in implementing the SDGs in Africa shows that most countries are not on track to meet the targets set for all the goals for the year , specifically those related to SDG Time is running out.

Phone Number List

A summary report of the

Africa regional review found that African countries had achieved the goal of having % or more women in parliament by , set out in the. Similarly African Declaration and Platform for Action. Beijing . These advances are the result of countries. Similarly having adopted Indonesia Phone Number List the SDGs, among. Similarly other instruments, in their. Similarly national. Similarly policies and plans, in line with their the empowerment of women.


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