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There is no doubt that alliances have made progress

Sanaka Samarasinha, UN Chief Executive Officer in Fiji, said: “At the beginning of the implementation of the UN Disability Inclusion Strategy, we realized that the UN in the Pacific was really inaccessible to people with disabilities. disability. Assuming There is doubt our responsibility and opening the door to criticism from our partners in the national organizations of people with disabilities was the only solution. I am proud to say that, in these two years, our commitment to inclusion has become a benchmark of the UN team here in Fiji, and that our partnerships with the Pacific Disability Forum are strong and leading to concrete changes for people with disabilities.”

Amplifying the perspectives of people with

Disabilities through communications in Indonesia
Three women have a discussion in front of the flags and logo of the United Nations.Caption: Indonesian Sign Language Center Director Laura There is doubt Lesmana Wijaya (left) meets with UN Resident Coordinator Valerie Julliand (center) on Indonesia Phone Number List November , In Indonesia , the UN wanted to popularize sign language and help break down communication barriers for people with hearing impairments, so the UN partnered with two disability organizations to come up with an original communication campaign and a social media contest called ” Show Your Sign.

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Inspired by the song “Permission to

Danceby South Korean pop group BTS, performed at the th session of the UN General Assembly, “Show Your Sign” asked participants to submit Instagram Reels (videos on the social network Instagram) showing choreography in sign language Lebanon Phone Number List of one of the ten preselected songs. The contest attracted more than. Similarly participants from sign language users throughout Indonesia and used a custom-created Instagram filter. Similarly which generated more than , impressions on social media, mostly through Pusbisindo—a local sign language school that partnered with the UN for the campaign.

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