It is a collaboration between the Amata Foundation, Nestlé (Thai) Ltd. and The Dow Thailand Group (DOW). For the Thai-Swiss Friendship Nature Study Route (km. 33 – Nong Phak Chi Nature Study Route), there is a distance of 4.4 kilometers. There will be an exhibition at Nong Phak Chi Observatory. that shows the connection of life In forests, meadows and swamps, interest tourists can walk on this nature trail all year round. Special Report : Traveling mia to follow up on solving the problem of wild elephants in the forest bordering 5 provinces.
November department Parks
National Wildlife and Plant Conservation Mayotte Email List organiz a traveling mia event track progress Managing and solving the problem of wild elephants bothering people In the forest area connecting 5 provinces by Mr. Sompong Thongkum, Director of the Office of Wildlife Conservation, along with Mr. Ruamsin Manachongprasert Director of the Office of Conservation Area Management 2 (Sriracha) l a group of mass mia to the area. Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary Khao Soi Dao Wildlife Sanctuary and Khao Chamao-Khao Wong National Park to follow up on troubleshooting operations and integration with all.
Sectors in the forest area
Bordering 5 provinces The mia group was brief on the current situation. And guidelines for managing and solving the problem of wild elephants. Leaving the conservation area and visiting the system of the early warning coordination center. Surveillance to prevent wild elephants from leaving the conservation area. Follow the development of a large water source for wild Singapore Lead elephants and wildlife. Damras Phoprasit. Attend the opening ceremony at Khao Yai National Park. Nakhon Ratchasima Province Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment together with the Swiss Embassy Thailand Open a nature trail to ucate and enhance the experience of tourists on sustainable conservation of natural resources and the environment.