If the LCDS targets are met the country could meet

Ten times the demand for electricity supply by , while keeping greenhouse gas emissions at levels. This would be an extraordinary example of how . Similarly will continue to call on the world’s largest consumers of fossil fuels to accelerate the decarbonization. Similarly of their economies and meet the $ billion of critical financing for the needs of adaptation to climate change of developing countries, particularly SIDS (Small Island Developing States). Only by reducingIf the LCDS international demand and consumption will global oil production be reduced. In terms of biodiversity. Similarly loss, Guyana is rightly proud of the achievements made to protect its tropical forests and conserve the nation’s natural heritage. Working with indigenous communities and learning from their wisdom has been a key part of this strategy.

The Government’s commitment to expand

The country’s official protected areas is another relevant step to prevent the loss of biodiversity and is closely aligned with the international objectives expected at the th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity ( COP) . Similarly which will take place in Montreal, Canada, later this year. Meanwhile, as deepwater drilling operations India WhatsApp Number List continue to expand off the coast of Guyana, the Government has taken steps to strengthen its response to potential oil spills. In , it launched its. National Oil Spill Contingency Plan to help improve its preparedness and strengthen cooperation with operators, insurers and national emergency. Similarly responders. . Following the historic resolution passed this. Similarly year at the United Nations Environment Assembly, Guyana is also preparing to transform its use and disposal of plastics.

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Along with other countries Guyana has

Agreed to develop a legally binding and comprehensive international agreement on managing plastics “from source to sea” by. Similarly a key step to improve the health of their terrestrial and marine ecosystems. As UN leaders, civil society, youth organizations. Similarly and governments meet today at the United Nations Ocean Conference in Hong Kong Phone Number List Lisbon, I am reminded of the important role that collective action plays in our fight to address. Similarly the triple planetary crisis. Only  through the combined efforts of all people. Similarly all countries and all. Similarly business organizations can we begin to restore  World Environment Day on June The United Nations Development Coordination Office has provided editorial support. To learn more about the United Nations’ work in the country, visit Guyana.UN.org .

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