What does he advise entrepreneurs
How to behave if business is not going well? That’s what this interview is about. The article is for subscribers We keep the best content for our subscribers. Join them and get access to special videos and podcasts about business and marketing. We choose practical topics for them, go really deep and invite the most experience guests from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. GAIN ACCESS or log in Send it on Twitter Share LinkedIn Pocket All recommendations, information, data, services, advertisements or any other communication publishe on our website are of a non-binding nature only and do not constitute professional advice or recommendations on our part. Details at the link here.
How to build a truly valuable e-shop
The interview is intendd for our subscribers Albania WhatsApp Number List Play full video WE RECOMMEND. Premium conversations exclusive to subscribers Hear 163 interviews with exclusive guests. Even more in-depth and full know-how for your business. FIND OUT MORE jiri-rostecky Jiří Rostecký founder of MladýPodnikatel.cz 1 year ago Twitter Share Pocket E-SHOPSSALE OF THE COMPANYVIDEO Jiří Hlavenka is the first guest I introduce to all my subscribers. He is a successful investor, the founder of the first Czech e-shop Vltava.cz and he is also famous for his investment in which is said to be the most successful investment in the history of our country.
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For this interview together, we came up with an absolutely amazing topic. Jiří today helps the companies in which he investe to increase their value and thus prepare them for future sales . Ultimately, this is one of the Singapore Lead main tasks of investors , and Jiří has very rich experience with this in the field of startups . However, he also has experience in e-commerce . In addition to the above-mentione e-shop, he also co-founde the investment group eRockets, which has already investd in. For example, Astratex or SportObchod. The article is for subscribers We keep the best content for our subscribers. Join them and get access to special videos and podcasts about business and marketing. We choose practical topics for them, go really deep and invite the most experience guests from the Czech Republic and Slovakia.