Through a volunteer organization called

She began doing medical checkups on pregnant women in emergency shelters. She also coordinated with a local hospital to arrange free access to ultrasound services. Gender-sensitive interventions, such as those carried out by Restu, are vital to rebuilding sustainably after a disaster, but can be inhibited by unequal gender dynamics within volunteering. For example, men…

In a major survey published in , it was reported that around

Indonesians said they had volunteered their time to an organization in the previous month. In fact, the Indonesian tradition of communityIndonesian midwife Restu Nur Intan Pratiwi, , cares for a survivor at an evacuation center following the eruption. Of Mount Semeru in East Java, Indonesia, in December Photo: © Courtesy of Restu Nur Intan Prat…

I with the citizens of my country and those who are

The discussions at the th session of ESCAP will be important in paving the way towards strengthened and improved regional cooperation to advance action on the underlying issues of sustainable development. A post-pandemic recovery must address economic, social and environmental inequalities, including those around the digital and data divide. The Asia-Pacific region will be left…

I will arrive in Bangkok, Thailand, to participate in the th session of the.

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). There, leaders from the region will meet, along with stakeholders, to discuss and devise a sustainable recovery program after COVID-, under the theme “A common agenda to advance sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.” During my stay in Bangkok, I will meet with lea…

Photo: © UN Cape Verde The ForesightSHIP

Workshop fostered a strong sense of partnership between the United Nations, the Government of Cape Verde and the coalition of partners who joined. Similarly us on this journey into the future. By integrating this exercise into the Cooperation. Similarly Framework and the National Strategic Planning Process, the Government of Cape Verde demonstrated its. Similarly commitment…

Photo: UN Cape Verde The first stop on our journey through these

Milestones of the past was the year When ForesightSHIP came to port, participants were encourto put on their manager hats and ask themselves.  What are the main challenges we face? What assets do we have. Similarly This part of the journey was  Horizon Next, we come to Horizon , in which participants were ourselves: What…

Subsequent meetings have led to greater collaboration not only

As the first concrete initiative to emerge from the SDG Leadership Lab, the hackathon allowed us to test our new tools. We apply the notion of “sensing”, a term used by those responsible for the workshop to refer to the process of externalizing the focus of our perception, from inside to outside the organization itself…

Photo: © UN Guinea Guinea has one of the highest rates of gender violence in the world

At the same time, it also has a very young population. For this reason, we decided to launch the use of this new methodology by working with young people on this topic. Under the coordination of the United Nations Inter-Agency Group in Guinea on Communication, with the leadership of two UN entities (the Office of…

Hate eats us away, it doesn’t make us feel good, it breaks

Families and friendships, it creates enemies, it creates grief and extreme pain. We all have a moral, political and legal duty to speak out firmly against hate speech and promote trust, reconciliation, dialogue, compromise, solidarity and, ultimately, love.  . Similarly Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, “let us recommit to doing everything in our power to prevent…

The United Nations has a global strategy to address

Hate speech, which emphasizes the  to counter hate holistically and with full respect for freedom of opinion and expression, while working in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, including civil society organizations, religious leaders. Similarly , technology companies and socialplatforms. We have to age at multiple levels: with the sources of hate speech, the transmitters such…

United Nations Resident Coordinator in Serbia

We can all act to say Hate speech is increasing around the World and can incite violence, undermine social cohesion and tolerance, and cause psychological, emotional and physical harm to those  Hate speech not only affects the specific individuals and groups it targets, but societies in general. In July , the Nations General. Assembly highligia…

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo protracted

Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu, as well as renewed tensions in the southern central regions of Kasai and Tanganyika have been the main source of displacement in the country , forcing millions of people to leave their homes, often on multiple occasions.  The Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator stands with a group of colleagues at…