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Advertising Lukáš Hejtmánek and the company’s co-founder and operational director talked only about the story of the company, but as is common in my interviews, mainly about the functioning of the entire business and what other companies can take away from it. You can also find the interview in our podcast about business . WE RECOMMEND Premium chats exclusive to subscribers Practical know-how for managing your business. Advice and tips from TOP entrepreneurs and managers . In-depth video interviews and podcasts. FIND OUT MORE Send it on Twitter Share LinkedIn.
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Data, services, advertisements or any other communication published on our website are of a non-binding nature only and do not constitute professional advice or recommendations on our part. Details at Belarus WhatsApp Number List the link here . Financial management of the company in adverse times | Petr Macek (Caflou) Take it with you. You can also find the interview as a podcast: Spotify iTunes Google Podcasts MP3 WE RECOMMEND Premium chats exclusive to subscribers Hear 163 interviews with exclusive guests. Even more in-depth and full know-how for your business. FIND OUT MORE jiri sprouts Jiří Rostecký founder of. Before 3 weeks Twitter Share Pocket. in case you don’t want to download it. YouToGift Instagram data How to download the data of your Instagram account? If what you want is to download the data of your account, You to Gift offers you the option of downloading the data of your followers.
The current time is challenging
For many companies, and their singapore lead management must therefore place great emphasis on high-quality and accurate financial management . I was just talking about it with Petr Mack from the all-in-one management system Cafla. Subscription Advertising You will learn how to think about the company’s finances in times of crisis, what numbers to keep an eye on, and how the company’s financial management in an adverse period differs from times of calm and peace. Advertising 5 years ago he stopped just reselling goods from suppliers and started producing himself.