Why invest in IOS According to the Annual Survey on Administration and Use of Information Technologies in Companies, carri out by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation of São Paulo (FGV-SP), in 2019 there were around 230 million active cell phones in Brazil. Another study show that Brazilians spend, on average, around three hours a day using smartphone apps. The data also show that the citizen of Brazil saves between 70 and 80 download applications, with an average use of 30 of them. The information comes from the Pew Research Center.
How do companies treat applications
Companies are increasingly using the Ethiopia Email List social network as a means for greater interaction with their customers, thus strengthening ties and rucing the distance between them. And really, social mia is an easy, accessible, and highly publiciz resource. But when we look at this data on Apps, we see that it is another essential channel to get closer to customers. Pack with features that range from boosting sales to getting user data through an app, the company ultimately creates loyal customers. How can they take advantage of increas app usage.
With the rise of smartphones
The use of apps, now is the time. However, one important point that we have to mention is that there are two operating systems: iOS and Android. And of course, your brand must be on both. iOS is the Singapore Lead mobile operating system of Apple Inc., so we are talking about iPhone applications. According to what Apple itself releas in 2019, there are 900 million smartphones of the brand working around the world, from iPhones XR, XS, XS Max to the oldest preserv and functional models that users have been able to keep. With so many active users, it’s time to start planning your app. Once you start the search, you will find two options: iOS Apps and Mobile App.