With less than a decade left to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on gender equality and women’s empowerment , the commitment has yet to be  into action on the ground. Given its broad impact, this goal is widely Africa: Building a  as a sustainable solution to address Africa’s greatest challenges and is also  an. Similarly […]
Coalition for Carbon Neutrality. I firmly believe that can be a different year: the year we took the big leap towards carbon neutrality. Every country, every city, every financial institution and every company must adopt plans to transition to net-zero emissions by , and I encourage the largest emissions generators to step up and take […]
In this context, the recovery from the pandemic opens an opportunity. Hope is already on the horizon in the form of a vaccine. But there is no vaccine for the planet. Nature needs a rescue. As we overcome the pandemic, we can also avoid climate cataclysm and restore our planet. This is an epic test […]
Hurricanes, part of the most intense period of such storms in recent years. Last year, disasters of this magnitude cost the world $ billion. Lockdowns in response to the COVID- pandemic have temporarily reduced emissions and pollution. Carbon dioxide levels, however, not only remain at maximum levels but are increasing. In , carbon dioxide levels […]
Secretary General’s speech at Columbia University: “Not to mince words: the planet is broken.” Dear friends: This meeting is held in an unusual format as the last month of this unusual year begins. We face a devastating pandemic, levels planet is : Humanity is waging war against nature. That is a suicidal attitude. Nature always […]
But the pandemic has also exposed a huge gap in access to those tools, including large gender disparities. The world entered the digital age decades ago, but a fundamental challenge remains: bridging the digital divide. Our goal is for everyone, everywhere to have affordable, effective and secure access to the Internet by and for all […]
Rights violations and violence between different communities continue, in a context of complicated efforts to restore constitutional order and implement the peace agreement. In Afghanistan, violence does not stop, although peace negotiations suggest the possibility of ending decades of conflict. None of these situations can be resolved militarily. I urge all Member by extremist States […]
Gender-based violence: from violence at home and online to the rise in child marriage and sexual exploitation. However, women in leadership positions have shown what they are capable of in the fight against COVID- Women leaders have managed In fact, the equal participation of women has a long list of transformative effects, which also continues […]
Contract within countries, so that all people have future prospects and enjoy protection. Education and digital technology must be the two great factors of facilitation and equality. It will be essential to introduce reforms in labor markets and crack down on corruption, tax havens, money laundering and illicit financial flows. Societies must transform the world […]
And from taxpayers to polluters.To make disclosure of climate-related financial risks mandatory. To integrate carbon neutrality into all economic and fiscal policies and decisions. And to promote, finance and implement equitable transition plans. The small island developing States of the world deserve special solidarity. Some face an State to be forced to lower its flag […]
We must achieve it. From the unit. Our third priority must therefore be to make peace with nature. is a critical year for climate and biodiversity. Last month, I called on all Member States to declare a climate emergency in their countries. Today, I call on the international community to achieve five key milestones ahead […]
The climate crisis, protect their rich tropical forests and safeguard their biodiversity. The international community must stand in solidarity with Africa and help provide the important resources needed. Africa needs $ million by to play its role in limiting global warming to C and to address the impacts of climate change. However, the entire continent […]

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